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Advent 2015: Week 4, Day 1

Begin by singing a favorite Christmas song

Explain the Advent wreath. Our themes this year will be: FAITH (wk 1); JOY (wk 2); LOVE (wk 3); HOPE (wk 4). But the over-arching theme is the kingdom of God.What is the kingdom of God?

Light the first Advent candle and ask, “What was our theme the 1st week?” The answer is faith.

Light the second Advent candle and ask, “What is our theme the 2nd week?” The answer is joy.

Light the third Advent candle and ask, “What was our theme last week?” The answer is love.

Read the story of Simeon in Luke 2:22-32. Have the children draw a picture of the scene as you have a discussion about it using the following questions:

  • Q. Why is it hard to have to wait for something you want badly?
  • Q. What is Simeon waiting for?

Simeon was waiting for God’s salvation. He was waiting for the Messiah to come. We are waiting for Jesus to come again. All of the promises in the Bible will not be fully ours until he comes again. We might get an appetizer-sized portion of his power and love, but its not until Jesus comes again that we will have the full meal.

Light the fourth Advent candle and ask, “What is our theme this week? The answer is hope. Hope is living the present in light of the future.

Read Isaiah 40:29-31 together.

Q. What does it mean to wait on God? What’s the opposite of waiting?

Q. What is one thing you are having to wait on God for?

Stop and pray, ASKING God to help wait upon his strength and salvation.

Finish by singing “Everlasting God”


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