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Christ Our Peace

March 6, 2022 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Ephesians: Riches of Grace

Passage: Ephesians 2:11-18

Worship Folder | Full Service Video


We are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door.” – C.S. Lewis
“Peace is not a strategy, not a program… it is a Person.” – Eugene Peterson
“Love the outsider, for you were an outsider” – Deuteronomy 10:19 (NLV).


Family Worship/Group Discussion Questions

  1. Prayerfully reflect on your heart, circumstances, relationships, etc. How did you "come" into worship today?
  2. Where did the gospel "dwell in you richly" in the service today? In the prayers? In the singing? In the sermon?
  3. Specifically, how were you led to turn from sin and trust in Jesus?
  4. What is the one thing from the sermon this morning that you would most want to pass on to someone else?

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Describe a situation where you felt like an outsider. How did it affect your behavior?
  2. How does being a "insider" change the way you behave?
  3. If Christ is our peace, why do you think the church has such a long history of being a war-zone? What's the disconnect?
  4. Where do you need the Spirit to "kill the hostility" between you and someone else? Or, between you and some other group of people?
  5. Do you have a story of how the gospel caused you to become friends with someone you would not naturally like or enjoy? (If you don't have a story like that, you should!)


More in Ephesians: Riches of Grace

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The Armor of God

May 22, 2022

Submit to One Another

May 15, 2022

Walk This Way