Officer nominations are open until May 31. CLICK HERE to read about our process and to submit a nomination.

Women's Bible Study

damascus event womens bible study image

Every Monday until November 16, 2020

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Category: Women's Ministry

sermon on the mount wide

Early in his ministry, Jesus gathered his disciples and the crowd following him and began to teach them about His kingdom on a mountain in the Galilean countryside. These teachings of Jesus, recorded in Matthew’s gospel, are some of the most familiar passages of Jesus in all scripture. Jesus was explaining to his followers what it means to be a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.

You are invited to join the women of Redeemer and listen as Jesus explains kingdom living that is just as applicable to us in 2020 as it was to the original audience seated overlooking the Sea of Galilee. 

Monday nights (beginning September 14) from 6:30-8pm, following COVID protocols.

For addition information or to RSVP for either the Zoom or in-person meeting, please contact either Sally Goodwill ( or 863.325.5200) or Gigi Savant ( or 863.258.0268).