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Advent 2016: Week 2, Day 1

Advent Family Worship- Day 1

Begin by singing a favorite Christmas song

Explain the Advent wreath. Our themes this year will be: JOY (wk 1); FAITH (wk 2); LOVE (wk 3); PEACE (wk 4). But the over-arching theme is our hope in the future God is bringing. Talk about hope. Hope is living in this world in light of heaven.

  • Q. What do these verses teach about what Jesus is like?
  • Q. Why do these verses say his kingdom is like? Where do you see it already being this way in the world? What parts of the vision of the kingdom seem to still be a future hope?
  • Q. What will heaven be like? Why are you looking forward to getting to heaven?

Light the first Advent candle and ask, “What was our theme from last week?” The answer is JOY.

Light the second Advent candle and ask, “What is our theme this week?” The answer is FAITH.

Read Isaiah 11:1-9 together.

  • Q. What do these verses teach about what Jesus is like?
  • Q. Why do these verses say his kingdom is like? Where do you see it already being this way in the world? What parts of the vision of the kingdom seem to still be a future hope?
  • Q. What will heaven be like? Why are you looking forward to getting to heaven?

Stop and pray, asking Jesus to come back soon!

Finish by singing “O Come All Ye Faithful”

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